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Call for New Editors of J19:

The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists




C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists has decided to extend the application deadline for prospective editors to September 15, 2021.


We will consider proposals from single editors or editorial teams of two or more people. Any individual who is interested in applying, and is willing to be paired with others to form an editorial team, is encouraged to contact me before submitting a proposal. The C19 Executive Committee, in consultation with the current co-editors, is charged with selecting the next editors of the Society’s journal.


Editorial applications should include a statement of interest that addresses the candidates’ editorial vision for J19 and their qualifications. Please append CVs for all applicants. A letter of institutional support from each candidate’s home institution may also be submitted, but is not necessary for the proposal. Such letters could detail what kind of support the institution can offer, for example course releases for editors or financial assistance and subventions for editorial support staff. Finalists will be interviewed later in the fall. Prospective editors must be members of C19. If you have any questions about the application and selection process, feel free to contact me. Please send proposals to by September 15, 2021.


Our J19 co-editors have produced a detailed summary sheet describing their work, which can be accessed via this link on the C19 webpage. Current editors, Betsy Duquette ( and Stacey Margolis ( are also happy to confer with anyone considering the J19 position. Please feel free to contact them directly.


Thank you for your continued support of C19.


Kind regards,


Edlie Wong


President, C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists ||




Image: Letter from Frederick Douglass, Springfield, Mass, to William Lloyd Garrison, Jan. 13, 1856


Courtesy, Boston Public Library

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