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Americanists Abroad



Scholars of the nineteenth-century US residing outside North America often face material challenges in accessing archival resources for their work and garnering funding for attendance at US conferences. And despite the transnational turn, and much groundbreaking work in Americanist literary studies to move us beyond the nation, the borders of the United States continue to delineate the scholarly turns and voices most amplified by our field. The C19 Americanists Abroad Network aims to bring together Americanist colleagues who reside outside North America, broaden the global membership of C19 and foster greater links between C19 and international associations of nineteenth-century Americanist scholars, including BrANCA: the British Association of Nineteenth-Century Americanists and A19. By hosting a social event for international C19ers at each C19 conference, advocating for short-term digital fellowships to archives in the US, compiling a working guide to digital resources available for Americanists working in the UK, Europe and beyond, and co-sponsoring affiliated regional events for Americanists abroad, our network will work to build a welcoming intellectual community for international scholars and facilitate greater intellectual collaboration across borders. 


Contact person:

Dr. J. Michelle Coghlan (Manchester)










Image: Letter by Constance Fenimore Woolson to Madame Stefani in Vienna. Letter reads: "It made me homesick to see the name of your street at the head of your letter, it recalled so vividly beautiful Florence, so especially beautiful at this season, and the lovely light on the hills all about."

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